Make Solar Panel A201 Available for Purchase/Warranty
Thread title. I have the TC85 4 camera kit with solar panels. One panel and the adapter cable went bad in less than 3 months. It happens, no big deal. Customer support, while polite and prompt, told me they can't just replace the one solar panel and adapter cable. Instead, they would need to RMA the entire kit and replace it.
My options were: send my whole kit back via prepaid label, they receive it and ship me my new kit. I'm without cameras for probably 2 weeks minimum. Or, other option is I agree to a temporary hold against my credit card while they ship me a new kit, I receive it then ship my old kit back. It has 25 days to be delivered or they auto bill my credit card for the new kit. If my original kit is lost, stolen or damaged in shipping my RMA could be declined and I'd be on the hook for the new kit which is nearly $500. And that's a double whammy because the kit I have I bought on sale from Best Buy after Thanksgiving for $290.
The shipping would be free both ways unless I opted for 2 day (10 out of pocket) or overnight (50 out of pocket). But still, remove my 4 cameras from my house, remove everything from the app, pack it all up, ship it 2 day, hope it gets there without being damaged or going missing, then hope the temp hold falls off my credit card as designed. I'd have to add all the new cameras to the app, charge them, re-install them on the house and set them back up to prior settings. I've decided not to do the return and am resolving it on my own.
I've been happy with my Tapo doorbell, outlet switches (6), wifi bulbs (10) and even my camera kit. Always rock solid uptime and playback. Feature rich, integration is phenomenal. The app works well on my iPhone and iPad.
But how they are choosing to handle this defective solar panel is asinine. Does all of that hassle for the customer make sense or does it make more sense to have the ability to replace solar panels when necessary?? Consider it an accessory, along with the adapter cable (USB C to micro usb) and the longer extension cable. Make these things available for warranty and purchase. Especially when the A201 solar panel is used across several of the wireless camera models.