way to turn off "are you still watching" thing from popping up when viewing cameras?
way to turn off "are you still watching" thing from popping up when viewing cameras?
#Feature Request
#Live View
this was advertised as a 24/7 baby monitor, which i don't intend to use as a baby monitor though, but anyways every 10 or so minutes the screen gets covered and a pop-up asking if i want to keep watching appears. this is annoying, for two reasons, and i would like to disable this and use the camera as advertised to me, and then another annoyance i'm experiencing with this camera:
- was advertised as a 24/7 camera, but if i can only view it continuously for 10 minutes that is a very far cry from 168 hours
- it doesn't work. the majority of the time i will click continue, and it just hangs on a loading screen for, as far as i know, forever. i have to swipe out and back in.
- why is there no way to view the camera feed on a computer? this seems impossible to not have, because it doesn't make sense not to. using an android emulator is absolutely not a solution.